Retrieving and structuring data
- Retrieving data in Power BI Desktop
- Opening and understanding the Power Query Editor
- Change data type
- Removing columns from a table
- Splitting column values
- Viewing reports, data, and relationships
- Save report
Visualising data
- Creating a visualisation
- Adjusting the size of a visualisation
- Adjusting the colours of a visualisation
- Changing the title of a visualisation
- Changing the background colour of a visualisation
- Activating data labels
- Creating reference lines
- Changing the order of values
- Displaying the visualisation data
Creating filters
- Creating a slicer
- Adjusting a slicer
- Adjusting interactions between visualisations
- Creating page and report filters
Formatting and publishing a report
- Adding pages to a report
- Formatting a report
- Save report
- Optimising a report for mobile devices
- Publishing a report
Introduction to Power BI Service
- Finding your way around Power BI Service
- Switching workspace
- Retrieving data in Power BI Service
- Generating a report in Power BI Service
- Updating a dataset automatically
- Sharing reports about Power BI Service
- Exporting a report as a presentation
Viewing reports
- Using automatic filtering
- Using report and page filters
Creating and sharing dashboards
- Creating a new dashboard
- Pinning a visualisation to the dashboard
- Pinning a tile from another dashboard
- Pinning a report page as a live tile
- Configuring the dashboard
- Sharing a dashboard within your organization
Using smart functions
- Asking questions about data
- Predefining questions about a dashboard
- Generating quick insights