Inserting graphics
- Insert picture
- Insert illustrations
- Inserting SmartArt
- Inserting drawing objects
- Inserting a screenshot
Editing objects
- Positioning images
- Scaling an image
- Controlling text flow
- Editing a SmartArt graphic
- Moving an object one level forwards or backwards
- Aligning an object
- Distributing objects horizontally or vertically
- Changing an object’s colour and transparency
- Grouping items
Using text boxes
- Creating a text box with existing text
- Changing the size and position of the text box
- Aligning text vertically in a text box
Creating tables
- Creating tables
- Converting text into a table
- Structuring tables with styles
- Inserting a Quick Table
- Inserting an existing Excel table
- Showing and hiding outline levels
Formatting tables
- Inserting lines into tables
- Merging or splitting cells
- Evenly distributing rows or columns
- Automatically repeating a line heading
- Changing row height and column width
- Removing border lines from tables
- Aligning text in a table
- Changing the field color in a table
Creating and editing charts
- Creating a chart
- Designing a chart with styles
- Changing the appearance of the data in the chart
- Editing chart data in Excel